Skender Renovates Salud Center to Improve Living Spaces, Common Area Amenities
Tandem Ventures provided compliance and community engagement consulting services for Skender Construction on the renovation of the Salud Center, an affordable senior housing building in the South Chicago neighborhood. The 140,000 square foot, 101-unit facility is owned and operated by Preservation of Affordable Housing and Claretian Associates.
Skender and POAH helped Salud Center coordinate the temporary relocation of seniors while the units were being renovated to ensure a safe and smooth experience. The team worked in five-day construction cycles, installing new flooring, lighting, plumbing and trim in each unit’s bathroom and kitchen. Six units were renovated in each five day cycle, giving minimum disruption to residents’ lives while improving their living space.
Skender also renovated the common areas such as the cafeteria, multipurpose room, restrooms, fitness center, and offices. The boiler room equipment was upgraded and a new roof was installed. The project team included architects Achitrave, Ltd. and Canopy Architecture & Design